Village of Ruidoso Moves to Level II Fire Restrictions Starting Monday, March 10, 2025
[RUIDOSO, NM] — The Village of Ruidoso will enact Level II fire restrictions on Monday, March 10, 2025, due to the ongoing extreme drought conditions. These measures aim to ensure public safety and reduce the risk of wildfires in the community.
Under Level II restrictions, the following rules will apply:
1. Charcoal briquets and outdoor burning stoves: Prohibited on all public and private property.
2. UL/FM-approved gas and pellet cooking devices: Permitted, but must be attended at all times.
3. Outdoor smoking: Prohibited on public and private property, except inside an enclosed vehicle or building, unless in areas specifically approved by the fire marshal.
4. Fireworks: Strictly prohibited by state law.
5. Campfires: Prohibited on all public and private property.
6. Operating chainsaws or internal combustion engine equipment: Allowed only if equipped with a properly installed, maintained, and functional spark arrestor. Local fire stations are available for inspections.
7. Professional use of welding and open-flame torches: Allowed with a valid fire marshal-issued permit. However, all permits are suspended on high wind, fire watch, or red flag days.
8. Fire pit permits: Temporarily suspended until conditions improve. Permit holders will be notified via email when restrictions return to Level I. Original expiration dates will remain valid.
Residents and visitors are reminded that citations will be issued for violations—no exceptions or warnings will be given. Updates will be communicated promptly, and the Village appreciates the public’s cooperation in keeping the community safe.
Important Emergency Information
If you hear the outdoor warning sirens, please:
• Tune in to 1490 AM for updates.
• Visit for instructions.