Lincoln National Forest Moves to ‘Moderate’ Fire Danger Rating

Effective December 19, 2024, the Lincoln National Forest has increased the fire danger rating to ‘moderate’ on all three districts. The increase in fire danger rating as come after analysis and indicators of moisture levels in the area, along with extended weather forecasts for the area and region.

When the fire danger is "moderate" it means that fires can start from most accidental causes, but the number of fire starts is usually pretty low. If a fire does start in an open, dry grassland, it will burn and spread quickly on windy days. Most wood fires will spread slowly to moderately.

Even though we are approaching the winter months, fire safety remains important on the Lincoln National Forest. Ensure your campfires are completely dead-out and the ground in the campfire ring is cool to the touch to avoid an abandoned campfire reigniting. Be mindful of current and developing winter weather conditions, and always be prepared for safe winter travel.

Document(s): 12192024_LNF Fire Danger Rating Increased.pdf


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