Avoid Email Scams
The Village’s IT provider, Systems MD has seen a large increase across the country in phishing emails trying to scam the public or infect computers with Trojan viruses. The Village of Ruidoso has received such emails to some of our employee’s accounts. Employees have seen these same emails in their private accounts.
They recommend the following if you receive any emails with the subject line containing “Bank statement” “Invoice” “Unpaid invoice…” that you are not expecting OR ANY attachments that contain Microsoft Word docs that are not explicitly requested, do not open them. Do not open any Word documents that you did not explicitly request to be sent to you. If you need to you may contact the sender by phone to verify if this is a legitimate email or not.
The village has had a local vendor receive one such email that appeared to be from a village email account when it was not. If you receive a questionable email that appears to be from the village please call village hall at 575-258-4343 ext 1010.
Here’s wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season.