The Public Works Department in Ruidoso oversees the maintenance and improvement of the municipality's roads and streets. We manage repairs, resurfacing, and infrastructure upgrades, ensuring safe and efficient transportation for residents and visitors alike.
Feedback and Permit Forms
If you have a pothole or need a street repair in your neighborhood, please complete the Village of Ruidoso Reporting Form or call 575-258-4343.
Yes, culverts for driveway entrances are the responsibility of the home owner for the initial installation. After the culvert is installed the street department will maintain the culvert from that day forward. If the culvert becomes damaged, clogged or deteriorated beyond repair the street department will replace, repair or clean it out. Culverts need end protection. Not all culverts are VOR’s responsibility, if they are not in the right-of-way then they are the owner’s responsibility.
Q: When will my street be plowed
All the streets in the Village have been prioritized for snow removal in basically the following manner: Major arterials, school bus routes, minor arterials, and residential streets. On an average snow day the street department can remove snow from all village streets within a 24-hour period.
No, the street department is not responsible for removing snow in front of driveway entrances. When snowfall occurs we have a responsibility to provide safe traffic ways for the traveling public; we do not have the resources to stop and clean out each and every driveway. If for some reason you have a condition that would prevent you from being able to remove snow in front of your drive let the street department know and we will review each case on an individual basis.
Before a street is paved, many factors must be considered, including whether all lots are occupied, whether all utilities are in place, traffic counts, and the condition of the current roadway. You can call the Streets Department at (575) 258-4343 for more information.
Pine needles should be placed next to city dumpsters but not in drainage ditches. Placing pine needles in drainage ditches clogs up drains and can cause flooding of your neighbors. The Solid Waste Department can be reached at 257-1502 for pine needle pickup.
The Street Department is responsible for:
Grading roads
Maintaining clear drainage ways
Fixing street cuts and potholes
Removing snow
Upgrading deteriorated roadways
Mowing right-of-ways
Maintaining Village parking lots
General maintenance of all right-of ways within the Village limits.
Please view the Village of Ruidoso Snow & Ice Removal Policy 2023-2024 document, which explains how the Street Department will deal with inclement weather conditions.
The Street Department has the following equipment:
Road graders (3)
Backhoes (2)
Dump trucks (5)
Rollers (3)
Asphalt plant
Distributor truck
Laydown machine
Chip Spreader
Various pieces of smaller equipment