Polydyne Inc. - CLARIFOC C-6286 and C-1450 Polymers
Sole Source Procurement Ellen Barone Sole Source Procurement Ellen Barone

Polydyne Inc. - CLARIFOC C-6286 and C-1450 Polymers

Vendor: Polydyne Inc

Product: CLARIFOC C-6286 Polymer and CLARIFOC C-1450 Polymer

Reason: Polydyne Inc is the only supplier of CLARIFLOC C-1450 in Lincoln County, NM.  CLARIFLOC products are used by the Village of Ruidoso’s Water Production Department and the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The chemical compound of CLARIFLOC works best with the village’s water system due to the potential demand for Zeta from Ruidoso’s source water.  CLARIFLOC’s positive ion charge intensity offsets the negative ion charge of Ruidoso’s source water.

Document: Polydyne Sole Source Certification and Letter to GSD.pdf

Date: 1/17/2025  

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Smith & Loveless Model 4B2H Vacuum Primed Top Mounted PISTA Turbo Grit Pump
Sole Source Procurement Emilee Lindsay Sole Source Procurement Emilee Lindsay

Smith & Loveless Model 4B2H Vacuum Primed Top Mounted PISTA Turbo Grit Pump

Vendor: Smith & Loveless, Inc.

Reason: To run an MBR facility successfully, there needs to be grit removal prior to the MBR process.  The reason for this is because the MBR process is biological and cannot handle inorganic material entering and settling in the basins.  The grit pump was damaged during the 2024 floods which was a result of the Salt fires around Ruidoso.  Smith & Loveless is the only distributor of this particular pump/volute setup because of the vacuum port that is included.  This Smith & Loveless small carbon footprint grit system cannot operate without this pump/volute.

Dates: 12/16/2024 – 12/15/2025

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Ovivo USA. LLC - Single Rake Front Cleaning (SRFC)
Sole Source Procurement Emilee Lindsay Sole Source Procurement Emilee Lindsay

Ovivo USA. LLC - Single Rake Front Cleaning (SRFC)

Vendor: Ovivo USA. LLC

Product: Ovivo single rake front cleaning ¼-inch bar screen and screens conveyor

Reason: The "plug n play" feature of it is the current coarse bar screen is also an Ovivo product.  All other coarse bar screens will require rechanneling of influent, extensive down time for demo, installation, re-wiring, re-programming, and influent bypass.

Dates: 12/02/2024 – 12/01/2025

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James, Cooke and Hobson, Inc. - Replacement Parts
Sole Source Procurement Ellen Barone Sole Source Procurement Ellen Barone

James, Cooke and Hobson, Inc. - Replacement Parts

Vendor: James, Cooke and Hobson, Inc

Product: Flygt Submersible Mixers, Flygt Submersible Pumps and Repairs for all Flygt Mixers and Pumps, including Aurora Booster Pumps

Reason: The new facility at the Wastewater Treatment Plant was equipped with Flygt Mixers and Pumps, which include stainless steel guide rails, chains, and electrical cables for quick replacement. The EPA requires that the facility have an inventory of replacement and spare parts. JCH is the Area Representative for Flygt and Aurora products we use at the facility.

Document: Sole Source Certification - James, Cooke and Hobson, Inc.

Date: 07/28/2024 to 07/27/2025

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Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce - Operations of Visitor Centers and Wingfield Heritage House Museum
Sole Source Procurement Ellen Barone Sole Source Procurement Ellen Barone

Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce - Operations of Visitor Centers and Wingfield Heritage House Museum

Vendor: Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce

Product: Operation of the Ruidoso Visitors Center and the Billy the Kid Visitors Center

Reason: In the last two (2) solicitations (April 2010 and July 2014), there was one offeror, The Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce.  The Chamber has operated the Visitors Center for the last twelve (14) years, and the Billy the Kid Visitors Center was added eight (10) years ago.  The Chamber is responsible for all expenditures at the Ruidoso Visitor Center and only the operations at the Billy the Kid Visitors Center. The Chamber will also be providing a staff member at Wingfield House.

Document: Sole Source Certification - Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce

Dates: 07/01/2024 – 06/30/2025

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Kubota, Incorporated - Membrane Units
Sole Source Procurement Ellen Barone Sole Source Procurement Ellen Barone

Kubota, Incorporated - Membrane Units

Vendor: Kubota, Incorporated

Product: Membrane Cartridge Type 515 Filters to be used in Membrane Bio-Reactor Facility

Reason: The membrane units and individual pieces and accessories are manufactured, sold, and distributed exclusively by Kubota Corporation.

Document: Sole Source Certification - Kubota, Incorporated

Dates: The term of the contract is from 5/16/24 – 5/15/25

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