Tel: 575-973-3868


Current Water Restriction Level: Phase 5

  • Lawn watering is prohibited unless you are on a private well.

  • Vegetable plants and fruit trees must be watered by hand by filling up a container and placing water in the bib around the plant or tree.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Phase 5 restrictions have been set in place for stringent water conservation measures because of the Little Bear Fire’s impact on the Village’s water rights. The changes in the watershed as a result of the Little Bear Fire caused significant degradation in surface water quality that forced the Village to rely solely on its groundwater supply wells for a significant period of time. As a consequence of previous year’s water diversions, the Village must conservatively use the remaining water rights.

  • No. Under Phase 5 restrictions, the Village has adequate supplies of water to serve all Village customers.

  • No. The Village has a plan to refill Grindstone Reservoir over the next several years.

  • The water meter in your home and the water bill you receive each month can be valuable tools in determining if you have any water leaks. If you have leak that is in the street or before your utility meter, the leak is the responsibility of the Village, and please contact us as soon as possible at 575-257-2386. If the leak is between your meter and your home, even if it is outside the house, the leak is your responsibility.

Village of Ruidoso Department of Water Conservation


Water conservation is important because it preserves and protects our natural resources and ensures the reliability of our water supply. Being in a high desert area, the Village of Ruidoso has always been aware of the need to actively conserve water. Currently, Ruidoso is classified as Extreme Drought. Consequently, the Village is in Phase 5 Water Restrictions.

  • There are many simple changes that we can make at home to help conserve water, including:

    ·       Install a low-flow toilet.

    ·       Shorten shower times.

    ·       Check your toilet and faucets for leaks.

    ·       Don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth.

    ·       Run the dishwashers and washing machines only with full loads.

    ·       Don’t use running water to thaw food.

    ·       Use the garbage disposal sparingly.

    ·       Keep a pitcher of drinking water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap.

    ·       Monitor your water bill for unusually high usage.

    The best way to monitor your water bill is to sign up for the EyeOnWater Google Application. This app will help you to understand how much water you use and detect leaks. To create an account, you will need your water account number and e-mail address.

  • In an effort to incorporate growth and address prolonged drought conditions, the Village of Ruidoso Water Resource Department is planning to revise the 2016 Water Conservation Plan and update the water conservation triggers.

    By working together and making simple changes to our daily routines, we can have a significant impact to our water usage.