Cree Meadows Trail Construction , CN2104211 Substantial Completion Date 11-18-21 Contractor: General Hydronics Concrete

Wingfield House and Renovation Project - Phase I: Ron Sena, Village Clerk, CES - White Sands Construction

Ruidoso Sewer Project: Restoration of Existing Sewer Lines and Manholes, FEMA1783-SW155, Adam Sanchez - Utilities Director, Contractors: SAK Construction LLC, Molzen-Corbin & Associates

Midtown River Restoration and Rain Garden: RJU1904, Eric Boyda, Riverbend Engineering, Estimated December 31, 2021

Links Walking Trail: PR20003, Rodney Griego, Director, Ruidoso Parks and Recreation, Contractor: Bohannan Huston, Design Complete - Bids for Const. - Spring 2021, DOT Grant

Moon Mountain Trailhead and Trail Design: PR20001, Rodney Griego, Director, Ruidoso Parks and Recreation, Contractor: Bohannan Huston, Design Complete - Bids for Const. - Spring 2021, DOT Grant


Midtown Webcam Upgrade, Rodney Griego, Director, Ruidoso Parks and Recreation, Contractor: EarthCam.

Midtown Light Pole Upgrade, Rodney Griego, Director, Ruidoso Parks and Recreation, Contractor: APIC Solutions Inc.

Two Rivers Park and Midtown Restrooms Project: Rodney Griego; Ruidoso Parks and Recreation;

Cree Meadows Trail Design Project: PR20002, Rodney Griego, Director, Ruidoso Parks and Recreation, Contractor: Bohannan Huston

COnceptual PlanS

Eagle Creek Conceptual PlanThis edition includes the addition of Beginner Ski Instructional area, snow board park and Mountain Coaster.

Alto Lake, Kids Pond Conceptual PlanVillage Staff and Groundwork Studios evaluated potential uses of the newly acquired property on 118 Lakeshore Drive. The Kids fishing Pond has been designated as a Kids Fishing Pond, by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, effective April 1, 2022. The addition of Concession operations, walking bridge and dock to follow in Spring 2022.

Moon Mountain Conceptual PlanVillage of Ruidoso Staff, Community Partners, and  Groundworks Studios Planners reviewed potential outdoor recreation opportunities and included a lift line, retail space, downhill bike trails, rock climbing area, etc. in the Moon Mountain Conceptual Plan.

White Mountain Conceptual Plan - The conceptual maps have been put together by steering committee consisting of user groups, Village of Ruidoso Staff, and the Ruidoso Municipal Schools,. These maps have been presented to the Ruidoso School Board and the public. Please provide input and comments to the following email address ( for inclusion in the Master Plan Document.

Ruidoso Affordable Housing Plan

Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan

The Village of Ruidoso fully complies with all related state and federal statutes in all programs and activities. Language services are available upon request. Those requiring disability accommodations and/or materials made available in alternate formats, please contact the Village Clerk, Ron Sena at:

T: 575-258-4343, Ext. 1006
F: 575-258-5361